Interesting interaction strategies with others

3 - 5- 2022

It's hard to adapt. Some of us aren't just natural conversationalists.

 Interacting strategies

For young people with a lack of social skills, this can not only be difficult, but downright stressful. Many parents report that their children can become anxious just thinking about being in a social situation. The best way to reduce this anxiety is to have a plan in place before you get into a social situation. Here are three strategies you can practice with your child, and then let your child choose the strategies they want to try the next time they're in a social situation.


When we smile, our brain releases certain chemicals.

One of these chemicals are endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for feeling happy and reducing pain, anxiety and stress. Have you ever noticed that someone smiles when you smile at them?

So if you smile at someone you just met you will feel more comfortable and if they smile you already have something in common.

Each of us sees things from our point of view. I might see a new book full of characters like the invisible man, but if I see two, can I take a moment to see the climber? If not, this leads to the third strategy of asking questions.

Ask question

What are you curious about, what are you talking about? Nothing at all? 

Be curious, ask a question. In the example above, you might ask "Where are the two climbers?" Perhaps the best question to ask when stuck in a new conversation is, "Why do you like the history of rock climbing?"

 l need more suggestions?
We invite you to carefully browse the pages until you find the answers that will help you develop your child's personality.
Keep in mind that many of these illegal websites can affect your child's ability to understand and compromise, positively and negatively, for better or for worse. Always keep references and always try to find a reliable website for more information.

Be sure to look for tailored programs based on your age, maturity, and social needs. You can also reach our team at our email address: info@opindigest.comto see if they can guide you or share tips with you. We look forward to working together to help our children.

Summer collections

We encourage young people to participate in group activities, from the May weekend and mid-June both primary and secondary school students can participate in social activities. 

You may need to check with schools in your town or villages near you and make sure your children are healthy.

Special devotion

Self-help group for girls 

A group of girls to increase self-esteem and confidence. Topics are positive and negative self-talk, respectful criticism versus alternative encouragement ideas and concepts... about overcoming challenges and making the right choice and decision, as well as raising self-esteem, creating a positive self-image and dealing with peer pressure.

Social skills

 A unique program for young people with social skills problems. Our step-by-step approach teaches real-world strategies through social opportunities for like-minded people. Topics include reading social cues, initiating and maintaining conversations, choosing the right friends, participating in problem-solving and sports activities, empowering future careers, and learning and dealing with responsibility. develop self-confidence.

 Building a youth community

A group of young people with or without an ADHD diagnosis to discuss challenges and develop coping skills to succeed. This interactive group explores strategies for focusing, organizing, and managing their time through a series of group discussions and physical challenges. Peer feedback enables young people to recognize their strengths.

All groups meet.

Finally, all groups come together to discuss the program and create a plan for their future strategy. Then complete a trivia challenge to see how much the group learned from the program and how many participants learned from their activities.

Activities Without Boards